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IT business oriented organizations are in focus of our ISO based implementation services. As Hungarian market leader on this field we provide elaboration and implementation of ISO 27001 based information security management systems.

Our ISO 27001 IT security services:

  • ISO 27001 implementation

Everything is in one place for the best price!

  • ISO 27001 maintenance

We exonerate you from this obligation!

We are “paperless” and offer free-of-charge FTP-site and cloud services, which are easily available via internet!

About ISO 27001 IT Security Management System

ISO 27001 is the international standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) based largely upon the previously adopted BS 7799 used commonly since 1995 for managing information security. ISO 27001 provides the framework for a technology neutral, vendor-neutral management system that enables an organization to assure itself that its information security measures are effective.

This includes the continued accessibility, confidentiality and integrity of its own information and that of its stakeholders as well as legal compliance. Implementation of ISO 27001 is an ideal response to legal requirements and potential security threats such as: vandalism / terrorism, fire, misuse, theft viral attack. ISO 27001 is applicable to any organization where the misuse, corruption, or loss of its business or customer information could result in major commercial prejudice.

Benefits of ISO 27001 certification:

  • Improved risk management through a systematic framework for ensuring customer records, financial information and intellectual property are protected from loss, theft and damage.
  • Proven business credentials through independent verification against recognized standards.
  • Ability to win more business particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply.


The implementation of IT Security Management System is beneficial for those, who would like to:

own a more secure IT environment.

  • introduce tenders.
  • participate in public procurements with ISO 27001 based requirements.
  • have PR goals.
  • raise authority.

Why you choose us for the implementation of ISO 27001 IT Security Management System?


  • our experts are auditors of international certification bodies,
  • we have been engaged in IT security management for 18 years,
  • we are applying the latest and easiest methodology,
  • we are “paperless”, working with e-forms,
  • we offer free-of-charge FTP-site and cloud services, which are easily available via internet,
  • we are at your service also in English and Deutsch,
  • we are concerned with registered certifications, involving highly competent auditors.



ALFA-CON Advisory and Training Centre Ltd.
Seat / Office:
1022-Budapest, Rókushegyi lépcső 9/A.
Phone / Fax: (06-1) 780-5096
Mobil: (+36 30) 924-2698
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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